Friday, November 23, 2007


While we're in the season, I thought I'd give you some turkey you go:

-The turkey has no special meaning behind it's consumption on just happened to be the most plentiful meat around at the time.
-Over 49 million turkeys will be bought and eaten this Thanksgiving
-The country with the highest consumption of turkey per person is Israel clocking in at 27 lbs/person/year
-Turkeys have been known to drown when they look up during a rainstorm
-They have an excellent field of vision that stretches 270 degrees around
-They can run up to 20 mph
-Benjamin Franklin wanted the national bird to be a turkey
-The heaviest turkey ever found was 86 lbs.
-Their heads change colors when they're excited
-Baby turkeys are called Poults
-They have a long, red, fleshy area that grows from their's called a SNOOD

Now you know more than you ever wanted to...

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