Did you know that if you totaled the number of stars in our galaxy, that number (about 100 billion) is roughly equal to the number of grains of sand that would fill up a 10ft x 10ft x 10ft room. The number of galaxies in the universe is around 100 billion as well. 100,000,000,000 x 100,000,000,000 is around the number of stars there are in the known universe (give or take a few billion to factor in galaxies of differing sizes =)), not to mention the number of planets orbiting around all those stars and the number of moons orbiting those planets. Wrap your mind around that one...
Picture: hundreds of different galaxies seen from a high powered telescope. Each of them contains billions of stars.
I got a really amazing forward that had a video. It focused in on a bit of leaves, zoomed way out, and then zoomed way in. It just shows how insignificant and small we really are!
thats great willy... very interesting. i mean geese were really small. i gave mallory the address of your blog so im sure she'll be looking at it.
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