Saturday, November 3, 2007


These are Mustard seeds. They're about the size of the tip of a ball point pen. It says that if we have faith as big as one of these, we can move mountains. I think our first request sometimes is for more faith, as if when we got it then we would be living life truly as it is supposed to be. The answer to our request for more always seems to be: you have no idea how much you could do if you just realized what you already have. Fast forward a bunch of years, and that once tiny little seed becomes a tree. Not just any tree, but a huge tree that gives shade to everything around it. Makes you wonder doesn't it...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

But if a tiny seed of faith is all you need... it seems like alot more mountains should be moving. So what is the catch? What if have a mustard seed of FAITH, the kind He is asking for, is actually asking alot? What if the kind of faith He is talking about isn't the "faith" we throw around so casually? What if we have never experienced the kind of faith He is talking about? It does make me wonder... alot!